I am wishing all of our family and friends a very happy and safe Thanksgiving Day!
I am so glad that Ken was here with us this year- with him being deployed twice during the holidays, and never knowing when he will be gone again, I am thankful for every holiday we get to be together!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Posted by Jen Thomas at 4:30 PM 0 comments
Thanksgiving Thought #3
I am thankful that Ken and I were able to take Kenidee to see Elder Holland and hear him speak at a special Stake Conference on November 9th. My mom stayed home , so she watched Rylie and Braden so we could actually listen. Kenidee was given the choice, and she was so excited to go and hear him! We sat next to our friends, Adam and Arlene Kirkpatrick. Arlene brought crafts to keep her kids busy- so Kenidee got to make the fun pipe cleaner glasses she is wearing!
It was such a spiritual meeting- all the talks were wonderful. Elder Holland spoke to the youth...and told them all to give him 10. Ten years- if they were 12, 13, 14 etc... add 10 years to that and stay true and strong to the church. Most of the most important decisions we make on life are made during that time- and if the youth stay strong, they will stay strong adults. He spoke about President Hinckley and how much he gave of himself. He was even working and conducting meetings three days before he died! Elder Holland joked that even if President Hinckley has thought about retiring to Florida, he wouldn't have known what to do with the golf club! If only we all had that determination and drive- the world would be such a better place!
Posted by Jen Thomas at 1:32 PM 0 comments
Labels: Elder Holland, Kenidee, thankful
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Thanksgiving Thoughts #2

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser !!!! All I need to say is Rylie + Crayons + Wall = Mess! Speaking of Rylie... I have to go run after her, so I will post #3 later today!
Posted by Jen Thomas at 6:36 AM 1 comments
Labels: Magic Eraser, Rylie, thankful
Monday, November 24, 2008
Thanksgiving Thoughts #1
On my friend Shauna's blog, she wrote something she was thankful for and asked those who read her blog to do the same all this week. So here goes... ( don't think you will get off easy, those reading this need to do the same! )
I am THANKFUL for my wonderful husband. He works so hard to provide for us, and is also such a great dad. The kids can't wait to see him when he gets home from work, and I love watching their faces when he is home on the weekends and they know that are going to have him all day! I am thankful to be his wife, and that we were married in the Temple. I look forward to growing old with him and getting to spend more time together!
Posted by Jen Thomas at 6:45 PM 0 comments
Labels: gratitude, Ken, Thanksgiving