Kenidee started Pre K on August 18th (ok... I know I am behind...) , and the jitters weren't hers. They were mine! My little baby is not a little baby anymore. She was over the moon to start!
When we went to the parent orientation the week before, they asked us to drop the kids off, and not go in. SO, on the first day, as I drove up to drop her off, I saw most people bringing their kids in. I was so not prepared.. I had Rylie and Braden in the car, and didn't think it was the best idea to drag everyone, so I had her go in with the teacher's assistant. Kenidee didn't mind at all! I on the other hand felt awful- and cried all the way to my Mom's house. I did feel a little better though after the first week when we got a letter in her folder reminding Parents to use the drop off!
Kenidee did love her first day- although she had an accident during playtime outside! She got on a scooter and fell off hitting her ear on the pavement! Then coincidentally, she woke up the next morning with a fever and headache. Turned out she had a virus and missed the next two days of school! It wasn't the best way to start out the year, but Kenidee loves all the fun she is having, and mom is enjoying time with her two little ones at home!